UPDATED Jan, 2022
State and federal law prohibit Leaders using the EZCRUZING DRIVER App from denying service to Clients with service animals because of the service animals, and from otherwise discriminating against Clients with service animals.
What is a Service Animal?
A service animal is an animal that is trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.
The law provides that there are only two questions that a Leader may ask to confirm that a Client’s animal is a service animal: (1) Is the animal required because of a disability? And, (2) What work or task has the animal been trained to perform? The Leader may not request that the Client present documentation proving that the Client’s animal is a service animal.
There is no requirement that a service animal wear a tag, be registered, or display any kind of proof that it is a service animal.
Legal Obligations of Driver-Leaders
Leader have a legal obligation to provide service to Clients with service animals.
A Leader CANNOT lawfully deny service to Clients with service animals because of allergies, religious objections, or a generalized fear of animals.
All Leaders using the Driver App have been made aware of their legal obligation to provide service to Clients with service animals and have agreed to comply with the law. If a Leader refuses to transport a Client with a service animal because of the service animal, the Leader is in violation of the law and is in breach of their agreement with EZCRUZING.
Consequences for Refusal to Transport a Rider with a Service Animal
If EZCRUZING determines that a Leader knowingly refused to transport a Clients with a service animal because of the service animal, the Leader will be permanently prevented from using the Driver App. EZCRUZING shall make this determination in its sole discretion following a review of the incident.
If EZCRUZING receives plausible complaints on more than one occasion from Clients that a particular Leader refused to transport a Client with a service animal, that Leader will be permanently prevented from using the Driver App, regardless of the justification offered by the Leader.
How to Report a Service Animal Complaint
If a Client has an issue related to his or her service animal—including issues regarding ride cancellations, harassment, or improper cleaning fees—the Client can report the issue to EZCRUZING.
Once a Client submits a service animal complaint, EZCRUZING’s specialized support team will investigate the issue and take appropriate action. EZCRUZING’s specialized support team will then make a reasonable and good faith effort to notify the Client within a week of the outcome of the investigation and the actions taken.
To file a complaint from the Passenger App, select “Support” click on “Contact US” Same with the Driver App
Rights of Clients with Service Animals
Clients cannot be denied service because they travel with a service animal. A Client will be refunded any trip cancellation charges or other charges imposed because a Leader denied a Client service because of a service animal.
Client will be informed by EZCRUZING of what action EZCRUZING taken in response to their complaint about discrimination on the basis of a service animal, including whether EZCRUZING has terminated its contract with the Leader involved.
A Client will be provided an account credit of $20 for each instance in which a Leader’s contractual relationship with EZCRUZING will be Suspended for 3 days for 1st offense as the result of a report that the Leader refused to transport the Client because of a service animal. Second offense is a week suspension, and a third suspension is TERMINATION OF THE LEADER CONTRACT WITH EZCRUZING.
Cleaning Fees
Client cannot be charged cleaning fees for shedding by their service animals. Clients will be refunded any cleaning fees charged for shedding by their service animals.
A Client will be charged for the first or second reported mess involving a service animal’s bodily fluids. Third reported mess involving a service animal’s bodily fluids, EZCRUZING will disable customer from using service. The Client may contest that such a mess occurred by responding to the fee notification email to notify customer support. If a Client contests the cleaning fee, EZCRUZING will make a reasonable good faith effort to determine whether a mess occurred.
Cleaning Fees mess involving a service animal’s bodily fluids
- First Reported $100
- Second Reported $125
- Third Reported $150 plus Customer will not be able to use EZCRUZING Services